The European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) has its origins in the early 1990s. Initially centered on the Mediterranean region, the conference has since broadened its scope significantly, now encompassing a wide range of topics beyond European ceramics.

Previous Meetings
links to proceedings when available
1st EMAC: Rome
10-12 October 1991;
Burragato F., Grubessi O. & Lazzarini L. (eds.), 1994. 1st European workshop on archaeological ceramics. Rome.
2nd EMAC: Barcelona
Vendrell-Saz, M., Picon, M. & Cuomo di Caprio, N. (eds.), 1993. Estudis sobre ceramica antiga.
3rd EMAC: Riccione
2-6 October 1995 (in the framework of the Fourth European Ceramic Society Conference);
Fabbri, B. (ed.), 1995. Fourth Euro-Ceramics (vol. 14): The cultural ceramic heritage. Faenza.
4th EMAC: Andorra
4th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics – Archaeological and archaeometric studies. Andorra 1999.
5th EMAC: Athens
18-20 October 1999;
Kilikoglou, V., Hein, A. & Maniatis, Y. (eds.), 2002. Modern trends in scientific studies on ancient ceramics. Oxford : Archaeopress.
6th EMAC: Fribourg
3-6 October 2001;
Di Pierro, S., Serneels, V. & Maggeti, M. (eds.), 2003. Ceramics in the Society. Fribourg : University of Fribourg.
7th EMAC: Lisbon
27-31 October 2003;
Prudencio, M. I., Dias, M. I., Waerenborgh, J. C. (eds.), 2005. Understanding people through their pottery. Lisbon : Instituto Portugues de Arqueologia
8th EMAC: Lyon
2005; Waksman, Y. (ed.) (2007). Archaeometric and Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics. Oxford : Archaeopress.
9th EMAC: Budapest
24-27 October 2007;
Biro, K. T., Szilagyi, V. & Kreiter, A. (eds.), 2009. Vessels: Inside and Outside. Budapest : Hungarian National Museum
10th EMAC: London
10-13 September 2009;
Martinón-Torres, M. (ed.), 2014. Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics. UCL Qatar Series in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, vol. 1.
11th EMAC: Vienna
29 September – 1 October 2011;
Hein, I., Biro, K., Buxeda i Garrigós, J., Day, P., Ionescu, C., Kilikoglou, V., Maggetti, M. & Waksman, Y. Ancient Ceramics – Analysis and Components. Applied Clay Science, vol. 82
12th EMAC: Padova
19-21 September 2013;
Maritan, L., Grifa, C. & Nodari, L. (eds.). Inside the pottery: composition, technology, sources, provenance and use. Periodico di Mineralogia, vol. 84.
13th EMAC: Athens
24-26 September 2015
14th EMAC: Bordeaux
6-9 September 2017
15th EMAC: Barcelona
16-18 september 2019
16th EMAC: Pisa
14-16 June 2023 special issue of ArcheoLogica Data- Proceedings EMAC 2023,
EMAC has a long-standing tradition of conferences and has become a leading forum for the dissemination of research on ancient ceramics in the field of Archaeometry