History of EMAC

The European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) has its origins in the early 1990s. Initially centered on the Mediterranean region, the conference has since broadened its scope significantly, now encompassing a wide range of topics beyond European ceramics.

Previous Meetings

links to proceedings when available

1st EMAC: Rome

10-12 October 1991;
Burragato F., Grubessi O. & Lazzarini L. (eds.), 1994. 1st European workshop on archaeological ceramics. Rome.

2nd EMAC: Barcelona

Vendrell-Saz, M., Picon, M. & Cuomo di Caprio, N. (eds.), 1993. Estudis sobre ceramica antiga.

3rd EMAC: Riccione

2-6 October 1995 (in the framework of the Fourth European Ceramic Society Conference);
Fabbri, B. (ed.), 1995. Fourth Euro-Ceramics (vol. 14): The cultural ceramic heritage. Faenza.

4th EMAC: Andorra

4th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics – Archaeological and archaeometric studies. Andorra 1999.

5th EMAC: Athens

18-20 October 1999;
Kilikoglou, V., Hein, A. & Maniatis, Y. (eds.), 2002. Modern trends in scientific studies on ancient ceramics. Oxford : Archaeopress.

6th EMAC: Fribourg

3-6 October 2001;
Di Pierro, S., Serneels, V. & Maggeti, M. (eds.), 2003. Ceramics in the Society. Fribourg : University of Fribourg.

7th EMAC: Lisbon

27-31 October 2003;
Prudencio, M. I., Dias, M. I., Waerenborgh, J. C. (eds.), 2005. Understanding people through their pottery. Lisbon : Instituto Portugues de Arqueologia

8th EMAC: Lyon

2005; Waksman, Y. (ed.) (2007). Archaeometric and Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics. Oxford : Archaeopress.

9th EMAC: Budapest

24-27 October 2007;
Biro, K. T., Szilagyi, V. & Kreiter, A. (eds.), 2009. Vessels: Inside and Outside. Budapest : Hungarian National Museum

10th EMAC: London

10-13 September 2009;
Martinón-Torres, M. (ed.), 2014. Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics. UCL Qatar Series in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, vol. 1.

11th EMAC: Vienna

29 September – 1 October 2011;
Hein, I., Biro, K., Buxeda i Garrigós, J., Day, P., Ionescu, C., Kilikoglou, V., Maggetti, M. & Waksman, Y. Ancient Ceramics – Analysis and ComponentsApplied Clay Science, vol. 82

12th EMAC: Padova

19-21 September 2013;
Maritan, L., Grifa, C. & Nodari, L. (eds.). Inside the pottery: composition, technology, sources, provenance and usePeriodico di Mineralogia, vol. 84.

13th EMAC: Athens

24-26 September 2015

14th EMAC: Bordeaux

6-9 September 2017

15th EMAC: Barcelona

16-18 september 2019

16th EMAC: Pisa

14-16 June 2023 special issue of ArcheoLogica Data- Proceedings EMAC 2023, https://www.mappalab.eu/emac-2023/

EMAC has a long-standing tradition of conferences and has become a leading forum for the dissemination of research on ancient ceramics in the field of Archaeometry